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So why do employees leave?

Updated: Feb 24, 2022

I have managed employees throughout most of my career. And I have had my fair share quit! It happens to all of us. Based on my experience and industry insight here are five reasons employees seek employment elsewhere:

They don’t feel appreciated

Authentically and actively appreciating your employees will go a long way in growing your business. I believe strategically planning employee appreciation is the best way to ensure that not only you appreciate your employees but you demonstrate it tangibly in ways that resonate to that individual.

Interested in reading more about employee appreciation? Check out The Five Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace.

They want to be challenged (and you aren’t providing it)

Many employees need to be challenged to stay engaged in their role and with the business. They want to move up in the organization or be given additional responsibilities. It is very tempting for a business leader to keep an employee in their spot because they are so good at it. But if you can challenge them or even promote them, do it. If there is nothing else to challenge them at your organization and they leave be happy for them. You contributed to their success!

They have issues with their direct supervisor

It may be you or somebody else in the organization, but an employees dissatisfaction with their direct supervisor leads to extremely unhappy employees. Plus the resentment and bitterness that can spread to other employees. There are many ways to deal with this issue including coaching for the manager, communication training or reorganization. The key is to recognize it and make a plan to fix it.

They deserve more money

When an employee finds out that you are paying them under market, they will either leave or ask for a raise. Either way your reputation with them takes a hit because they don’t feel appreciated. So you need to make sure you are reviewing employees salaries on a yearly basis and benchmarking salaries using external sources.

They need work/life balance

The top issue here is commuting time. Long hours, too much travel and working at home off hours contribute as well. Employees work to live and not the other way around! It is important to approach work/life balance of your employees strategically and have a plan in place so you give your employees time to succeed at home as well as at work.

There are many others - that is why that exit interview is so important. But before the crisis hits actively listening to your employees on a regular basis may uncover manageable issues.

And if a key employee quits all is not lost! Check out my blog A Key Just Employee Quit - Now What? for some tips on what do next.

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